Bobby Furst at his art studio compound on the outskirts of Joshua Tree National Park. Bobby makes assemblage art that often investigates war, peace & environmental issues. He’s got multiple buildings full of installations, works in progress, the biggest CD collection I’ve ever seen, & even his own music venue! It’s been dubbed “FURSTWURLD” by his friends. He often hosts little shows and private events there for local JT residents. A few airstream trailers are decked out for bands to crash in and his backyard has some dreamy sunset views. I had the pleasure of hanging out & shooting with Bobby for a few hours back in May…hope to revisit this fall & catch some tunes there! View more of Bobby’s art at his site
Great to meet you ! Thanks for bringing your talents to Joshua Tree, looking forward to your next visit !
Very cool! Such a magical place and unique spirit!
Bobby has created his own world in Joshua Tree. i feel fortunate to have experienced it for myself. Rock on, Bobby!
The real deal
The best!!! The place and the man!!! ♡
Great photos!!
that’s our guy.,!!!! a true artist,.!! thanx Bobby for everything.,!!!!!
FurstWorld remains one of the most memorable places I have visited and I recommend it to friends whenever I hear they are passing thru the JT area . Bobby is a gracious host and the Tour De Peace team had wonderful, regenerative stops there. Thanks Bobby!!
Great photos. Looking good Bobby.
I too have been able to experience the magical Furstworld first-hand. Beautiful and unique eye-candy, a lovely and comfortable stage to play, the conversation so stimulating. I slept like a baby in my very own airstream for the night. Bobby is the ultimate sweet spirit, teacher and facilitator. Thanks for being you, Bobby and plunking yourself down in one of the loveliest power-spots in the world.
Wonderful photos of an amazing human being. Thank you!
He is a legend. Hey, ask Bobby if he wants to type “Furstwurld” for his place.